Nye formularer
Memories of an Alternative Truth
MuMe Level 40Range: Eye/Sight
Duration: Instantaneous
Target: Individual
This spell makes a major change to the targets memories of a period of his life.
The target may later (or in some cases at once) get a natural resistance roll (based on int) to regain the original memory. This roll should be made if and when the target is faced with contradictions in the new memory or is reminded of the old. The difficulty of such a roll should depend on how different and believeable the new memory is.
The caster can only change the targets memories of events the caster is somehow aware of, either by being present at, having been told about or having magically discerned these events. Trying to change memories without such knowledge will likely cause unpredictable results.
A major change may include changing the setting of an event, the people present at an event and the exact nature of the event. However at least one of these traits must remain constant. The change cannot make a person loose flaws, virtues, spells, skills, arts etc. but a person may forget he has such abilities open to him or think he has abilities he really doesn't.