Dette er de formularer pagten råder over (individuelle magi råder muligvis over flere i mere eller mindre læselig form). Formularer i kursiv er hentet fra "The Wizard's Grimoire" resten er fra grundbogen.Formularerne er ordnet efter Form, Teknik og sværhedsgrad.
InAn15 Vision of the Marauding Beast.MuAn15 Growth of the Creeping Things.
MuAn30 Steed of Vengeance.
PeAn20 Cripple the Howling Wolf.
ReAn25 Circle of Beast Warding.
CrAq15 Mighty Torrent of Water.CrAq25 Ice Slide.
InAq5 Touch of the Pearls.
InAq25 Voice of the Lake.
MuAq10 Lungs of the Fish.
MuAq20 Ink of the Traitors Contact.
PeAq30 Shatter the Icy Fortress.
ReAq5 Alchemist's Touch.
CrAu5 Chamber of Spring Breezes.CrAu10 Blinding Cloud of Soot and Smoke.
CrAu15 Charge of the Angry Winds.
CrAu15 Wreaths of Foul Smoke.
CrAu20 Wizard's Avalanche.
CrAu35 The Incantation of Lightning.
CrAu35 Fulgurous Orb.
InAu15 True Sight of the Air.
InAu15 Whispering Winds.
InAu25 Eyes of the Bat.
MuAu5 Blasting Wind, Blinding Mist.
MuAu20 Clouds of Thunderous Might.
MuAu30 Isnende er Nattens Vind (af Taticus)
PeAu20 Quiet the Raging Winds.
ReAu15 Circling Winds of Protection.
ReAu20 Ward Against Faeries of the Air.
ReAu20 Wings of The Soaring Wind.
ReAu25 Prison of the Zephyrs.
CrCo10 Charm Against Putrefaction.CrCo15 Earthly Remains.
CrCo15 Gentle Touch of the Purified Body.
CrCo25 Restoration of the Defiled Body.
CrCo30 The Severed Limb Made Whole.
InCo5 Physicians Eye.
InCo5 Recall the Hearts Final Pulse.
InCo15 Whispers Through the Black Gate.
InCo25 Secrets of the Magus' Health.
MuCo15 Disguise of the New Visage.
MuCo20 Preternatural Growth and Shrinking.
MuCo20 Easing the Strain of Childbirth.
PeCo15 Dust to Dust.
PeCo15 Grip of The Choking Hand.
PeCo25 Bane of the Decrepit Body.
ReCo15 Lifting The Dangling Puppet.
ReCo25 Awaken the Slumbering Corpse.
InHe10 Sense the Magic Root.InHe15 Hunt for the Wild Herb.
PeHe5 Curse of the Rotted Wood.
ReHe10 Repel The Wooden Shafts.
ReHe15 Strike of the Angered Branch.
CrIg5 Palm of Flame.CrIg10 Lamp Without Flame.
InIg5 Tales of The Ashes.
MuIg10 Show of the Flames and Smoke.
MuIg10 Hornet Fire.
MuIg25 Spears of Fire.
MuIg25 Trapping the Fire.
PeIg15 Soothe the Raging Flames.
ReIg25 Ward Against Heat and Flames.
CrIm5 Image of Time that Passes By.CrIm15 Wail of the Banshee.
InIm10 View the Distant Scene.
MuIm3 Lips of the Sky.
MuIm5 Sealed Lips of the Written Secret.
PeIm15 Invisibility of the Standing Wizard.(Revideret)
PeIm20 Shame the Proud Man.(Revideret)
ReIm10 Wizards Sidestep.
CrMe15 Panic of the Trembling HeartCrMe15 The Two-faced Diplomat
CrMe20 Memory of the Distant Dream
CrMe20 Pains of the Perpetual Worry
CrMe25 Gift of Reason
InMe10 Sight of Transparent Motive
InMe15 Wizards Flash of Memories
InMe20 Posing the Silent Question
InMe30 Peering into the Mortal Mind
MuMe5 Vision of the Haunting Spirit
MuMe15 Enchantment of Detachment
MuMe25 Gift of the Nocturnal Habit
MuMe30 Mind of the Beast
PeMe10 Trust of Childlike Faith
PeMe20 Lay to Rest the Haunting Spirit
ReMe10 The Call to Arms
ReMe15 The Call to Slumber
ReMe20 Aura of Rightful Authority
ReMe25 Incantation of Summoning the Dead
ReMe35 Hundredårssøvnen (af Taticus)
CrTe10 Skewer for the Petulant Faerie.CrTe10 The Wizards Golden Key.
CrTe25 Wall of Protecting Stone.
CrTe30 Stairs of the Mountain King.
InTe4 Probe for Pure Silver.
InTe10 Seeing the Corpse in the Grave.
InTe20 Eyes of the Treacherous Terrain.
MuTe3 Supple Iron and Rigid Rope.
MuTe10 Object of Increased Size.
MuTe15 The Buoyant Earth.
MuTe15 The Forgiving Earth.
MuTe20 Earth that Breaks No More.
PeTe10 Fist of Shattering.
PeTe25 Obliteration of the Metallic Barrier.
PeTe25 Stone to Falling Dust.
ReTe10 The Well Swept Chamber.
ReTe10 Order in the Wizard's Laboratory.
ReTe15 Hands of the Grasping Earth.
ReTe25 Ward Against Faeries of The Mountain.
ReTe30 Crest of the Earth Wave.
ReTe40 Den ubrydelige Grænse (af Taticus)
CrVi15 The Phantom Gift.CrVi15 Rune of Connection.
InVi5 Scales of the Magical Weight.
InVi5 Sense the Nature of Vis.
InVi5 Feeling the Font of Power.
InVi5 Scales of Power.
InVi30 Reveal the Gift.
MuVi15 Shroud Magic.
MuVi15 Gather the Essence of the Beast.
MuVi20 Wizard's Communion.
MuVi25 The Sorcerer's Fork.
MuVi30 Wizard's Communion.
PeVi20 Disenchant.
PeVi25 Demons Eternal Oblivion.
ReVi25 Circular Ward Against Demons.
ReVi25 Aegis of the Hearth.
ReVi35 Aegis of the Hearth.